MOU between POWERGRID Transparency International India
Bio-Data of Independent External Monitors
- Mr. Madan Mohan Bhatia (4,293 KB) PDF (Current / w.e.f February 2025)
- Mr. R. Govindarajan (176 KB) PDF (Current / w.e.f August 2024)
- Mr. Nand Lal Singh (637 KB) PDF (Current / w.e.f September 2022)
Bio-Data of Earlier Independent External Monitors
Integrity Pact
- Integrity Pact-9009-Revision - 2 (206.6 KB) PDF (Current)
- Integrity Pact-9009-Revision - 1 (96.5 KB) PDF
- Integrity Pact - 9008 (72 KB) PDF (Old)
- Integrity Pact - 9009 (78.4 KB) PDF(Old)