Formerly known as Bikaner-II Bhiwadi Transco Limited.
Petition for determination cum truing up of Transmission tariff for 2019-24 tariff block and determination of transmission tariff for 2024-29 tariff block for assets under “Implementation of 220 kV bays for RE generators and 400/220kV ICTs at Bikaner-II PS” in Northern Region under Section 62 read with Section 79(1)(d) of the Electricity Act, 2003, Regulation 15(1)(a) and Regulation 23 of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations,2023 read with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Condition of Tariff) Regulations, 2019 and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Condition of Tariff) Regulations, 2024.
Petition for determination of Tariff from DOCO to 31-03-2024 for “Implementation of 1 no. of 400 kV line bay at 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS” for interconnection of 1000 MW Solar Project of SJVN Ltd
Petition for determination of transmission tariff for 2024-29 tariff block for assets under “Implementation of 220 kV bays for RE generators and 400/220kV ICTs at Bikaner-II PS” in Northern Region under Section 62 read with Section 79(1)(d) of the Electricity Act, 2003, Regulation 15(1)(a) and Regulation 23 of Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Conduct of Business) Regulations, 2023 read with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Condition of Tariff) Regulations, 2024
Petition under Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission License and other related matters) Regulations, 2024 for amendment of existing RTM Transmission License to POWERGRID Bikaner Transmission System Ltd. to include transmission projects “Implementation of Bus Sectionalizer at 400 kV level of 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS” and “Augmentation of Transformation Capacity at 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS in Rajasthan by 400/220 kV, 1*500 MVA ICT (9th)
Notice Form-II English
Notice Form-II Hindi
Application under Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission License and other related matters) Regulations, 2009 for grant of separate Transmission License to POWERGRID Bikaner Transmission System Ltd. for “Implementation of 1 no. of 220 kV line bay at 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS for interconnection of solar project (M/s NHPC Ltd.)”, ”Implementation of 2 no. of 220 kV line bays at 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS for interconnection of RE power park of M/s ALF Solar Amarsar Pvt. Ltd.”, “Transmission system for evacuation of power from Rajasthan REZ Ph IV (Part-1) (Bikaner Complex) Part-E” and “Augmentation of transformation capacity at 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS by 400/220 kV, 1 X 500 MVA ICT (3rd)” through Regulated Tariff Mechanism mode.
Revised Final Petition
Notice Publication (English)
Notice Publication (Hindi)
Application under Section 14 of the Electricity Act, 2003 read with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Procedure, Terms and Conditions for Grant of Transmission License and other related matters) Regulations, 2009 for grant of separate Transmission License to POWERGRID Bikaner Transmission System Ltd. ( Formerly known as Bikaner-II Bhiwadi Transco Limited) for “Implementation of 220 kV bays for RE generators and 400/220kV ICTs at Bikaner-II PS, “Implementation of 1 no. of 400 kV line bay at 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS for interconnection of 1000 MW Solar Project of SJVN Ltd.” and “Implementation of 2 no. of 220 kV line bays at 400/220 kV Bikaner-II PS for interconnection of solar projects (ACME Solar Holdings Pvt. Ltd., Prerak Greentech Pvt. Ltd.)” through “Regulated Tariff Mechanism” (RTM) mode.
Amended Petition
Amended Notice Publication (English)
Amended Notice Publication (Hindi)
Amended Notice Publication (English)
Amended Notice Publication (Hindi)
Notice Publication (English)
Notice Publication (Hindi)
1) Establishment of 400 kV switching station at Bikaner –II PS with 420kV (2x125 MVAR) bus reactor
- 400 kV line bays – 4 nos.
- 125 MVAr, 420 kV bus reactor - 2 nos.
- 400 kV bus reactor bay – 2 nos.
- 400 kV, 80MVAr line reactor on each circuit at Bikaner –II end of Bikaner-II – Khetri 400 kV 2xD/c Line – 4 nos.
- Switching equipment for 400 kV switchable line reactor – 4 nos.
2) Bikaner-II PS – Khetri 400 kV 2xD/c line (Twin HTLS on M/c Tower)
3) 1x80 MVAr Fixed Line reactor on each circuit at Khetri end of Bikaner-II – Khetri 400 kV 2xD/c Line - 4 nos
4) 4 no. of 400 kV line bays at Khetri for Bikaner –II PS – Khetri 400kV 2xD/c line
5) Khetri- Bhiwadi 400 kV D/c line (Twin HTLS)
6) 2 no. of 400 kV line bays at Khetri for Khetri - Bhiwadi 400kV D/c line
7) 2 no of 400 kV (GIS) line bays at Bhiwadi for Khetri- Bhiwadi 400 kV D/c line
8) STATCOM at Bikaner-II S/s± 300 MVAr, 2x125 MVAr MSC, 1x125 MVAr MSR