Health & Safety
- POWERGRID recognizes its statutory and moral responsibilities for ensuring safe Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of its Transmission Lines & Sub-stations, and provision of safe methods of work and healthy working condition, for ensuring safety of its personnel and those of its contractors as well as the general public.
- POWERGRID has developed and implemented systems and procedures aligned with ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health and Safety Management System which are audited & certified to the above standard.
- Transmission Lines & Sub-stations of POWERGRID are constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the requirements of Indian Electricity Act, 2003, and the Regulations thereunder, as well as Indian & International standards.
- Compliance of the above are verified during the Inspections by Central Electricity Authority (CEA), who are the Statutory Authority for inspecting and clearing the EHV Power Transmission installations, before commissioning as well as during periodical Inspections after commissioning.
- The requisite guidelines regarding limiting exposure to Electric & Magnetic Fields (EMF), as specified by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are followed by POWERGRID.
- Minimum electrical clearance, as required by the Indian Electricity Rules & Regulations, are maintained with respect to the ground, roads, railway lines and other habitats, in the Transmission Lines of POWERGRID, to ensure safety of human beings & livestock moving, living or working in the vicinity.
- In addition, anti-climbing devices & danger boards are installed at all towers, to warn and dissuade the general public from climbing the EHV transmission towers.
- Appropriate earthing / grounding has been provided in all EHV Transmission Lines and Towers and fast acting Protection Relays have been installed in the terminal sub-stations to protect the men & equipments / installations. The Protection Relays ensure that the charged Line / Circuit automatically trips in case of any earth fault anywhere in the Transmission Lines.
- 3-Tier Safety committees at Corporate, Regional and site level are constituted to implement safety aspects.
- POWERGRID Apex Safety Board, with CMD as Chairman and the functional Directors as members at Corporate Centre periodically review the safety performance of the Corporation / Construction Agencies, and advise appropriate additional measures, as required, for effective safety & accident prevention.
- A Safety Cell is established at Corporate Centre to coordinate all safety promotion & accident prevention related activities of Transmission Lines and Sub-stations under construction as well as under O&M and to provide technical support to sites for ensuring proper implementation of the Safety Policy & Procedures of the Company and applicable safety requirements during various activities.
- Safety Guidelines / Check Lists for O&M as well as Construction activities are reviewed periodically and amended / updated, as required.
- Appropriate provisions are incorporated in the Contractual documents to bind the Construction Agencies to ensure the safety requirements at their work sites and to meet the various statutory requirements and payment of compensation to legal heirs of the victims arising out of accidents.
- To make the Bidders / Construction Agencies to be conscious of implementing the safety requirements seriously during construction of the Transmission Projects being executed by them, by providing safe methods of work and safe working conditions, a “Safety Pact” is required to be submitted by all the Bidders, without which their bids are considered as invalid and rejected.
- To monitor compliance of the various safety requirements and accident prevention measures, Site Surveillance Inspections/ safety audits are carried out in the construction and O&M sites to identify the hazardous conditions / activities and the concerned sites are notified for rectification of the same.
- A detailed procedure for reporting of accident, Investigation of an accident so as to examine each accident in depth & details to out the cause, assessment of the extent of damages suffered and loss caused, fixation of responsibility on the circumstances/ individuals and prevention of recurrences in similar or related circumstances are facilitated.
- Safety training / awareness programmes are held periodically covering all areas of O&M / Construction / Safety / First Aid / Fire Fighting / use of Personal Protective Equipments, etc., wherein the Engineers, Supervisors & Technicians are imparted refresher training.
- Pep talk / safety briefings are conducted at the construction and O&M sites to emphasize the precautionary measures and the need for safe working by the gangs.
Information Security Policy
- Protect Critical Information & Critical Information infrastructure from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification and disposal, whether intentional or unintentional.
- Maintain Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Information related to organization’s critical processes & systems together with sensitive / personal information of employees and other related third parties.
- Ensure business continuity through systemic reduction of information security risks in all spheres of its business operations.
- Establish, maintain and continually improve Information Security Management System (ISMS) complying with ISO27001:2022 and meeting all the applicable legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements.
Quality Policy
POWERGRID’s Quality management system is built on principle of Prevention i.e. Quality Assurance rather than detection /or final product inspection. It is considered prudent to associate right from initial stages of selection of raw material, production/manufacturing and at all appropriate stages so that probability of rejection during final inspection is minimized. The process of “Acceptance and Rejection” solely based on final inspection is not desirable for execution of the projects where the implication is high in terms of time delay in project completion due to rejection at finalthe stage.
The quality requirements in technical specification for projects are specified by POWERGRID. Vendors and sub-vendors are selected based on technical requirements and qualifying requirement, if any. The quality of manufactured products is maintained by implementing agreed Manufacturing Quality Plan (MQP)/ Inspection Test Plan (ITP). While the quality during installation, testing & commissioning of equipment at site is ensured by implementing agreed Field Quality Plans (FQP).
POWERGRID has implemented web-based inspection management system for raising inspection calls and allocation to the concerned inspection engineer. After successful inspection, dispatch clearance is accorded by digitally signed copy and records are kept in digital form. Various inspection offices spread all over the country ensure timely inspection and compliance to the MQP of manufactured product and field quality aspects during execution.
POWERGRID has also developed and put in place the systems and procedures aligned with Integrated Management System comprising ISO 9001:2015 for Quality Management System, ISO 14001:2015 for Environmental Management System and ISO 45001:2018 for Occupational Health and Safety Management System. POWERGRID achieved another milestone in its quest for excellence in quality management and got certified to Social Accountability standard SA-8000:2014. Apart from above, POWERGRID Corporate office is also certified for ISO 50001:2018 for effective Energy Management System and ISO 27001:2013 for Information Security Management System.
Integrated Management System Policy-
POWERGRID is committed to:-
- Establish and maintain an efficient and effective “National Grid” with due regard to time, cost, Technology and value additions.
- Sustainable development through conservation of natural resources and adopting environment friendly technology on principles of Avoidance, Minimization and Mitigation.
- Ensure safe, occupational hazard free and healthy work environment to the satisfaction of stake holders in all areas of its activities and shall endeavor to continually improve its management systems and practices in conformity to legal and regulatory provisions.