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Related Party Transaction as on 30.09.2019

Corporate Communications

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), a Navratna Central Public Sector Enterprise, under the Ministry of Power, contributed a sum of Rs. 30 crores to the Swachh Bharat Kosh (SBK) recently, as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. The cheque was handed over by Mr. I.S. Jha CMD, POWERGRID to Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary, who is also the Chairperson of the SBK. Sh.ParmeswaranIyer, Secretary (Drinking Water & Sanitation), Senior officials of Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and Shri Vivek Joshi, Administrator, SBK were also present on this occasion.

POWERGRID, largest Electric Power Transmission Utility and one of the largest in the World, is undertaking the mission of the Government of India for cleaning up the country under the “Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan”. During the current fiscal, about 60,000 manhours have been dedicated by the employees of POWERGRID towards cleaning of the surrounding areas, public places. POWERGRID is extending professional and financial support to Varanasi Nagar Nigam towards maintenance of 25 wards in Varanasi City with a commitment of Rs.10.0 Cr., besides ongoing construction of toilets in some schools in UP and other projects towards achieving the objectives of Swachh Bharat.

The SBK was set up to attract CSR funds from corporate sector and contribution from individual philanthropic to achieve the objective of Clean India (Swachh Bharat) by the year 2019, the 150th year of birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi through “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”.  The Kosh is to be used to achieve the objective of improving cleanliness levels in rural and urban areas, including in schools.  The allocation from the Kosh is being used to supplement departmental resources for such activities. All donations towards “Swachh Bharat Kosh" are eligible for deduction of 100% from the total Income Tax. The contributions to SBK can also be included by companies towards CSR under the Companies Act, 2013.

Issued by: Corporate Communications

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