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POWERGRID Bhind Guna Transmission Limited

Acq Date :  
Date of Incorporation :  
TBCB Subsidiaries
Annual Report -
 PBGTL_AR.pdf (9.41 MB)
Financial Statements -
 PBGTL_0.pdf (20.35 MB)
Director List

A) Intra-State Transmission Work associated with construction of 400 kV Substation near Guna (Distt.-Guna)

i) 400 kV DCDS (Quad Moose) line from Bina (MPPTCL) to Guna (New) with 2 X 80MVAR Switchable line reactor at Guna end

ii) 220 kV DCDS line from Guna (New) to Guna (MPPTCL) with Zebra Conductor

iii) 220 kV DCDS line from Guna (New) to Shivpuri (MPPTCL) with Zebra Conductor

iv) Establishment of 2x500 MVA, 400/220 kV Substation near Guna involving following works-

  • ICT 400/220 kV - 2x500 MVA
  • ICT bays - 2 Nos.
  • Line bays - 2 Nos.
  • Bus Reactor 125 MVAR - 1 No.
  • Bus Reactor bay - 1 No.
  • Space for ICT (Future) - 1 No.
  • Space for ICT bays (Future) - 1 No.
  • Space for Line bays (Future) - 4 Nos.
  • ICT bays – 2 Nos.
  • Line bays - 4 Nos.
  • Space for ICT bays (Future) - 1 No.
  • Space for line bays (Future) - 4 Nos

B) Intra-State Transmission Work associated with construction of 220 kV S/s near Bhind (Distt.-Bhind)

i) 220 kV DCDS line from Morena (TBCB-CWR T L) to Bhind (New) with Zebra Conductor

ii) Construction of 2 Nos. 220 kV feeder bays at Morena (TBCB-CWRTL) 400 kV S/s
[02 Nos for 220 kV DCDS line from Morena (TBCB-CWR T L) to Bhind (New) with Zebra Conductor]

iii) 132 kV DCDS line from Bhind (New) to Bhind (MPPTCL) with Panther conductor

iv) 132 kV DCDS line from Bhind (New) to Porsa (MPPTCL) with Panther conductor

v) 132 kV DCDS line from Bhind (New) to Gormi (MPPTCL) with Panther conductor

vi) Establishment of 2x160 MVA, 220/ 132 kV Substation near Bhind involving following works-

  • ICT 220/132 kV - 2x160 MVA
  • ICT bays - 2 Nos.
  • Line bays - 4 Nos.
  • Space for ICT (future) - 2 Nos.
  • Space for ICT bays (Future) - 2 Nos.
  • Space for line bays (Future) - 4 Nos.
  • ICT bays - 2 Nos.
  • Line bays - 6 Nos.
  • Space for ICT bays (future) - 2 Nos.
  • Space for line bays (future) - 6 Nos.